9pm - FREE @ Manhattan Inn (632 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11222)
Aquiles Navarro .DUO. Tcheser Holmes: "Panama meets Brooklyn"
(Aquiles on trumpet, Tcheser on drums)
Amirtha Kidambi Quartet - This quartet performing the conceptions of vocalist Amirtha Kidambi (Seaven Teares/Elizabeth-Caroline Unit), lies nestled in a venn diagram of musical spheres and communities in New York City. Her and her cohorts saxophonist Matt Nelson (Battle Trance/Tune-Yards), bassist Brandon Lopez (Vape Drip) and drummer Max Jaffe (Killer Bob) have crossed paths in the DIY underbelly, in incestuous circles of free improvisers, and uncomfortable chairs in concert halls of angular new music.
Matt Nelson - Sax
Brandon Lopez - Bass
Max Jaffe - Drums
House Special - a new tasty band that is just what you've been craving...bring your own hot sauce.
Peter Evans - Trumpets
Sam Pluta - Live Electronics
Paul Wilson/BaeBro - Keyboard/Electronics
Levy Lorenzo- Percussion/Electronics
Kassa Overall - Drums
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Earlier Event: January 30
Fire Museum Presents: Seaven Teares and Destroying Angel
Later Event: February 28
Amirtha Kidambi solo